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   +213 5 62 59 36 83   89 Cité Rima Djelloul, Elkerma, Oran 31000

Building scalable business

Focus on your business and leave everything else on us

Atlanexis provides multiple solutions on multiple levels with our partners in Telco, Datacenter management, Enterprise Solutions, ERP, Cyber security, SEO and much more.

Trusted by our partners

Seamlessly manage your infrastructure

Our mission is to provide you with the required tools and staff to help you move forward with your business, on multiple levels, on premise, on the cloud, on all the departments

Multi-contained isolation

We build our solutions on isolation level which protect your business from any possible failures in case there’s a problem with any department or component.

Lightning Fast Performance

Building solutions require paying attention to small details to optimize every part of your solution wether in redundency or SPF prevention, or failsafe modules.

On premise, or via cloud

Your next solution requires high level of access control or require a high flexibility and availability, for all scenarios we have the perfect solution architecture.

Continuously updated

With our partners we can make sure to deliver updates, upgrades for your core components as bug fixes, feature updates, security updates and more, automatically.


Building a solution for your enterprise means the ability to customize it, modify on it and deploy it in the way you see perfect, this is why most of our products are vendorless and OSS compatible.

Embracing technology

Because business continuity rely on keeping up with new technologies, and because learning a new technology is an investment for a company, we believe that our team is more than capable of running your infrastructure and projects with new technologies causing positive effect and moving forward in your business.

Automatic scaling & optimization


We are in a world where competition is highly active in multiple sectors and domains, which requires you to be always ready to take the right decisions in the right moments.

Taking decisions requires collecting a lot of data about such as competition status, inventory, stock market… and more.

Atlanexis provides you with the right tools for ERP, CRM, Com tools, Recon Tools and more, so you are always up ahead and ready to take action in the moment.

Manage everything, anytime, anywhere


One of the most difficult tasks in managing business, is the department reporting and management. 

Thankfully, you won’t need multiple complex software to require and to learn. 

All your department sales, inventory, accounting, maintenance, problems, and everything will be accessible within your fingertips anytime, anywhere with AEOS


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Atlanexis ?

Atlanexis is a company that provides enterprise grade solution,in Telco, Datacenter management, Software engineering, Networking, Storage and redundency, and Business suite ERP, CRM, COM and RECON services.

What is the process?

The first step is business evaluation and problem briefing, once we understand the business we can continue into providing the perfect compatible solution for your case.

After we provide the offer and the contract based on your needs, including the requirement for staff training, extended support for business operations, and more. 

We start taking care of your business on multiple side, reducing financial costs, increasing productivity by introducing different technology core components, risk assesment, and business inteligence.

Who do we deal with?

Our solutions are for Enterprise clients only, government, startups, business owners, software developers, and different partners.

We do not currently offer any support or services for individuals.

We have special pricing and reduction for new businesses and startups.

What are the domains of our services?

We are currently provide but not limited to services in: Web technologies, Business Inteligence, ERP, CRM, Cloud Management, Telecom Services, Software Engineering, Cloud Solution Architecting, Financial technology core solutions, Cyber security, Monitoring, Data analysis, Networking, Software Legal Services.

Getting started is easy

Write down your email, and we will reply to you as soon as we can